Sunday, October 30, 2011

3 new paintings! Art Show Next Month at Nautical Bean! Check It out!!!

Hello everybody! I have two spankin' new paintings for you to check out here. I also finished the snake with peonies. I am pleased to announce that for the entire month of November, you can view or purchase my paintings at Nautical Bean on Los Osos Valley road in SLO. Along with my paintings, RC Kelly, Keith Duggan, Danny Derrick, and Gary Ellsworth will all have AMAZING paintings up, for sale and for viewing. Please make it a point to stop by, get a cup of jo' and give everything a look! I'm super excited to be a part of it, and cant wait to see how it turns out. Thankyou all for stopping by!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

So here she is..... havent figured out a background for it yet, and still have a few very small things to finish on it, just wanted to get it out there. this one was alot of fun and learned alot here too. the art show that Myself and other artists I work with will for the entire month of November at the Nautical Bean coffee house in SLO on Los Osos Valley road. So be sure to swing by with your pockets stacked, get some coffee, and buy some one of a kind art! Be well, and thankyou for paying mind.